We are trained since childhood to enjoy a good story all the way until its happy ending. Whether it’s a fairy tale, a Disney movie, or a classic novel, once the guy gets the girl, the bad guys are defeated, the conflict is resolved, and the story is all tied up in a pretty bow, then the credits can roll or we can close the book and think, “Now that was a good story.”
But then what? What was married life like for Cinderella and Prince Charming? How did Middle Earth thrive after Sauron’s defeat? What does it feel like to swing through New York City as a carefree Spiderman?
As an English major, I realize a good plot needs a good conflict, but don’t we all long to experience the reality of abundant life inside the happy ending? We crave time free of strife. Where evil is banished, relationships are restored, the soundtrack is soaring, food is delicious, laughter is easy and each minute is dripping with pure joy.
The more I study Sabbath, the more I am learning that God wants us to have a day like that every single week. It’s almost too much to imagine. It’s so counter-cultural it’s hard to know where to begin.
Well, I have an idea of where to begin. I want to invite you to experience a Sabbath like that at AbideCR. We have carefully planned this event to intentionally delight your whole self: From the ambiance to the music to the food vendors to the event speakers to the pace of the schedule. AbideCR is created to help you enjoy God, enjoy others, and enjoy time full of peace, rest and Jesus.
I know it’s hard to imagine. I know it’s a bit of a leap of faith if you’ve never experienced that kind of thing before. So I am asking you to trust me. It’s going to be worth it.
I realize we are more comfortable and accustomed to life inside the plot line. We understand working hard, managing crisis, dealing with difficult characters and hanging in suspense about what comes next. But I hope you’ll try something new. Please join me for one weekend inside “happily ever after.” Get your tickets now for AbideCR.