What was the best day of your life so far?
Maybe the first thing that comes to mind is your wedding day or the birth of your first child or that time you won the state championship or when you finished your first half marathon or when you learned you made All State.
Or maybe it was that random Tuesday when you went for a walk in the woods and there was just something about the smell of the moss and the blue of the sky and the warmth of the sun and the sounds of the birds that made you know you were in a holy moment.
Oh, wait. That day didn’t come to mind? Why not? Why don’t we savor these holy little moments with the same kind of care and memory as the “once in a lifetime” gigantic events? After all it’s the little moments that make up almost our entire lives.
It is sad but true that we can get so busy with the business of life that we don’t pause and actually enjoy our lives.
Or to quote a great prophet of our time: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”—Ferris. Bueller.
So here’s my encouragement to you. How can you make one day this weekend the Best. Day…maybe not EVER, but the best day in a long time… What if you planned it all out with the delight of your family in mind?
What if you thought ahead and bought strawberries and whipped cream and made waffles for breakfast. Then you took the family to a nearby state park for a hike in the snow. Gave out points for finding the greatest variety of birds. Then you stopped for coffee/cocoa on the drive home. Next you made everyone’s favorite lunch (tomato soup and grilled cheese, anyone?) while the family voted on a game to play. After game time, you listened to a family-friendly audiobook while working on a jigsaw puzzle. Then it’s take-and-bake pizza while planning a movie-marathon. With any luck the kids fall asleep at the start of movie #2 leaving you with the option of connecting with your spouse, or getting lost in a good book.
Sounds like a pretty excellent day to me. Probably your best day would look a little different than mine. But it would still be a rich day full of fabulous little moments. A day Ferris would be proud of. So go ahead. Schedule an amazing day for your family this weekend!
Because in the end the little things are the big things after all.
Have the best day ever,