I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to update you all on our adoption progress. I guess it’s because it hardly feels like progress.
Our home study is nearly complete. Jeremy and I need to complete an online course on adoption. Jake needs to get fingerprinted. And our social worker needs to complete the home study and send it to our adoption agency. By Monday evening we hope the first two of those items will be done. The last one is out of our hands.
We recently had the in-home visit portion of the home study. Thankfully (–Jaimie–) it was not a white-glove test, and since the children we are adopting are older, she did not look in every closet and cupboard to see that all hazards were out of reach. With relief, I can announce that she found our home suitable to house children. It sounds silly, even though I was being judged on something so basic, and which I had no reason to question, I was still really nervous and relieved when she said, “I have no concerns.”
Also each of our children were interviewed at home privately. Let the weight of that fall on you for a sec. Now, I know my kids are happy and all, but–what might they say without me in the room to give them a look or kick their shins under the table? While trying to keep busy and pass the time hidden away in my bedroom (Candy Crush), I heard the social worker laughing and having an enjoyable conversation with each of them in turn and I breathed a sigh of relief. Again, even though I had no reason to worry, it felt good to hear the simple declaration, “They are four great kids.”
Why does it sometimes matter so much to me what others think? That’s an introspective blog post for another day!
After our completed home study gets sent to our adoption agent who specializes in adopting from this particular country, the list of To Dos and the timelines for waiting begin all over again. This is the phase that involves working with the immigration and naturalization departments of our government and the powers that be in the foreign government.
After all paperwork is complete, we will be required to travel overseas three times. On the 3rd and final visit, God willing, the boys will be released to us, given new birth certificates and passports, and come home as Bushlacks. We are hopeful that will be sometime this fall.
That’s really about all I know to tell you. We are just walking by faith, praying for them, and hoping all the doors open in God’s timing, according to his will.
In the meanwhile, it’s always a blessing when the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection occurs on a warm and sunny spring day. God’s faithful blessing of new spring life after the death of winter is such a beautiful annual reminder of our eternal hope through Christ. We were blessed with just such a perfect day this year. And we had a great day with these four joyful, unpredictable, and faithful kids.