The local community college sends us a catalog of their continuing education classes. This catalog always goes the way of the local phone book that gets delivered to my front door–straight into the recycling. But not this time. I don’t know why, but I sat down in my big, comfy chair, and began browsing what was being offered this time around. Maybe I’d find a photography class. Or maybe the twins would like that CSI for teens class. Or maybe…
Maybe I’d turn the page and see four offerings in the Culinary Department for Russian-Ukrainian cooking, taught by a native Ukrainian.
Enter Nina, an absolute Godsend. We have spent the last month trying to contact an interpreter to help us make a phone call to the boys and ask frankly, “Do you want to become a part of our family forever?”
After a bit of websleuthing, I was able to get in touch with Nina and she graciously agreed to help us with the phone call.
Thanks to some teens who were hanging out at our house Saturday night, Jeremy learned how to make a 3-way conference call on his iPhone. The plan was to call Nina and then add a call to the boys. We tried Sunday morning but no one answered. So we tried again this morning at 6AM. Someone answered.
Within seconds, we heard the sound of O’s voice on the other end. Understandably he was very surprised to be hearing from us. Little V. was in class, but O. was available to talk for a few minutes.
Ask him if they would still like to come back to America.
Ask him if they would like to live in America.
Ask him if they would like to become a part of our family forever.
Then there was more talk of timing, and cost and process, and tell your brother we love him and miss him too and then it was over.
But he said Yes.
I thought he would. But it is a beautiful thing to be chosen. For them and for us.
So we move one step closer to the dream of giving them this gift. And all the while, I can’t help thinking about how God has given me the very same gift. A freedom to be adopted into His family, a freedom to call Him “Father.” A priceless gift, paid for dearly. I’m so grateful.
“But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Galatians 4:4-6