Well, another successful day with these sweet visiting brothers.

The day began with a big breakfast of eggs, hash browns, toast and juice. They eat everything we put in front of them and usually take seconds. I’m very glad they are not picky eaters! Our daily meal routine of practicing language around the table continued with talk of colors and lots of laughter. I would like to publicly thank the inventors of Google Translate. Things would not be going this smoothly without it!

After breakfast Jeremy split the six kids into three teams with various chores. Marissa helped V. unload and load the dishwasher. Jake helped O. clean a bathroom and take the dogs for a walk. After chores was some play time, which usually means LEGOs. O. is a master-LEGO-craftsman and has been working on one elaborate castle for hours. But, when they are really lucky, they get some PlayStation time! All afternoon we were with the rest of the city at Target shopping before we came home to a hearty supper of spaghetti, fresh bread, and another Iowa Hawkeye basketball defeat.

We are settling into a routine. What we are all going to do next week when Jeremy goes back to work, I’m not sure. He has been a wonder to watch. After all we’d heard about how orphans would not be accustomed to a father-figure and would be intimidated by the man of the house, these boys have been treated to a great example of a dad, husband, and friend. They’ve never seemed stand-offish or afraid.

And speaking of people that completely amaze me–I would not want to leave out Jake, Marissa, Lizzy and Emily. They are so welcoming, kind, and patient. They honestly put us all at ease. I couldn’t be prouder of them all. I love you kids. Thank you for sharing God’s love everywhere you go.
We are taking it day by day and minute by minute. We are so grateful for everyone’s prayers for our continuing patience and perseverance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 2 Peter 1:5-7