I am a big sun-lover. Always have been. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Northern Minnesota where we had summer for approximately 2 weeks each year. But there’s not much I love more than the feel of the warm sunshine on my face. As soon as it hits about 60 degrees I ditch my church office and head out to the patio by the pond, fight the glare on my laptop, and work from the picnic tables back there as much as possible. Usually I head back inside if my phone tells me it’s overheated. Usually.
I am also an avid Anti-Weather-Complainer.
I’m of the firm belief that It does no one any good to gripe about how rainy it is or how dry it is or how windy it is or how humid it is. Whether the pollen count is high or whether the barometer is making our high school track injuries ache.I work pretty hard to not fall into that trap. (To pick a better soundtrack, if you remember last week’s post).
Nevertheless, when we get a couple 80 degree sunny days in early April, I admit it is really tough to go back to the 50s. And the 40s. And the sleet. You know. NORMAL April weather in Iowa.
So this is an encouragement to myself as much as to you to fight for contentment in all seasons. We use the word “season” as a metaphor for short-term periods of life change or difficulty. It’s because the actual seasons out our windows are teaching us: “This too shall pass.” Whether your life is currently in a dry season, a dark season, a rainy season, a painful season, a busy season, a grief-stricken season, a scary season, an exhausting season…This too shall pass. Inevitably, better times are around the corner.
Conversely, if your life is in a sunny season, a breezy season, an easy season, a restful season, a joyful season, a hopeful season…This too shall pass. Inevitably, harder times are around the corner.
That is not meant to discourage or frighten us…but to remind us. It’s like watching the tulips bloom while subconsciously understanding January is coming. It’s not coming today. Today we get to enjoy the tulips. But I trust we’ll be ready for January when it does arrive. Because we know that’s how seasons work.
So whatever season you find yourself in today, I pray you will fight for contentment. Be filled with the bounty and blessings of the good days. And be brave and buoyant in the days that bring you pain. Jesus is Lord over the storm clouds and the sunshine. You can always trust Him to bring you through this season: safe and sound and stronger.
“ I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” (Philippians 4:11).
Have a great weekend, whatever the weather!