I am loving our current sermon series, “This Is About That.” It is bringing beautiful clarity to how the whole Bible points to Jesus. As we read in the gospel of Luke: “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets [Jesus] interpreted for them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27). A friend said in our small group this week that this sermon series has been causing him to think about how even this crazy COVID-19 situation is also ultimately a part of God’s story. This is also about that. It’s not about us. It never has been. It’s always been about Him. We’ll see that even in this week’s kids lesson. I hope your family will tune in this weekend! We are launching a brand new format that you won’t want to miss. Check out the Kids At Home page on our website for this week’s online lesson, printable activity pages, and even some kids music playlists. This week’s Bible story is about how John the Baptist, a mighty prophet, was happy to admit that even his ministry was not about him, but was meant to point others to Jesus. John says in our key passage:“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 Most of our regular lives have had to decrease this spring. I hope that at the same time that Jesus has increased. I am also fervently praying that when this quarantine passes that we all will seek God’s wisdom as to what pace of life we should resume. Will we go back to a life so crammed with activities that there is no room for family dinners, no room for board games, no room for baking cookies, and no room for Jesus? We are living in a truly historic time and we all have an unique opportunity to hit reset and be extremely purposeful about what our family schedule will look like in the future. Let’s make sure our lives, like John the Baptist’s are all about pointing to Jesus. Let’s make our this about That. Please let me know how I can pray for you. |