Any parents out there second guessing yourselves today?
When we were raising our family, I was rarely certain or decisive. Every direction and choice seemed to have supreme and irreversible consequences. To spank or not to spank? What schooling choice is right? How busy should our family calendar be? Are sleepovers okay or the epitome of recklessness?
And today, the list of options is even longer and opinions are even more polarized.
Anyone out there secretly afraid that no matter what you do you’re going to screw them up? I can totally relate. The burden feels so heavy, and the stakes are so high.
At times like this when our parental confidence is tremulous it’s important to remember:
Our kids are not actually ours.
They are God’s. You can trust your Heavenly Father with your kids–He loves them more! He sees them–inside and out and they are never out of His sight. What He allows into their life He is also using for their good.
He sees, understands, and perfectly cares for:
- The kid who this week stepped into a public school for the first time.
- The kid whose best friend humiliated them
- The kid who heard and then repeated some colorful new vocabulary
- The kid who is dealing with parents who have split up
- The kid who had family values challenged by a new authority figure
- The kid who struggles with math, or phonics, or speech
- The kid who just hasn’t figured out yet what he believes
None of these circumstances intimidate or worry God. He is completely wise and knows what is really best. He’s not second-guessing the path on which He’s placed your kid. He isn’t afraid for them. Because He knows His own strength.
God wants you to prayerfully steward these precious souls He’s put in your family. But you can be free from fear. Relinquish control to the perfect Father who will never lose His grip—on you or me or your kid.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” (John 10:27-30).
In His grip,