Do you ever look at your sweet, impressionable child and then take a long, hard look at yourself and think, “Dear Lord–what were you thinking?” It’s scary. It’s scary being responsible for…
What’s his face.
“Stop it right now Jake! I mean Marissa! I mean Emily! I mean Lizzy!” Admit it parents, you’ve called your kids the wrong name before. Especially when you’re stressed. Or maybe if…
Angry Jesus.
What makes Jesus angry? Maybe an angry Jesus is not something you’re comfortable with or that you’ve even considered. I know a lot of people think that there’s one God in the…
Personal epiphany.
I had an encouraging and deeply personal epiphany this summer. And I’d like to share it with you. Epiphany. Noun. “an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.”(Epiphany is also the holiday where we…
What we think.
We hear phrases like this every day: We read them in text messages and on our news feed. Hear them in meetings. We discuss them at dinner. We saturate our minds with…
Purple presence.
You guys remember Venn diagrams right? Little-known fact: my husband proposed to me with a Venn diagram! You can ask me about that later. This week at overnight camp our camp speaker…
Comfy cozy.
A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend about some discouraging trends we notice in parenting and the potential long-term implications of those trends on the child, the…
Once and for all.
You know that satisfying feeling you get when you do the dishes? I don’t just mean loading the dishwasher and pressing start. I mean the kind of cleaning that involves scrubbing the…
You’re important.
Do you know how important you are? Okay, I know we need to be careful to not stroke our already-inflated egos. This is not that. But you are important. Significant. Powerful, even….
You’re Invited!
Well, it’s graduation season, and in Iowa, that means Grad Parties. There’s something very poignant about walking past photo display boards where parents try to sum up an entire childhood. There’s no…