In the Christian culture you hear a lot of buzzwords like: multi-generational ministry, ministry in the context of relationships, servant leadership, discipleship. Kids Camp packs all those concepts up in an old…
The Road Not Taken–a Marriage Metaphor.
Recently a group of young parents asked me and my husband, “How do you keep your marriage strong–especially in the second decade?” This followed closely behind the question, “How did you teach…
Ukraine Trip 3 (Photo Dump).
This is where I dump 135 photos from the third and final trip to Ukraine. Jeremy left on January 10, 2016 and returned with our two new sons on January 21, 2016….
Where You Belong–Thoughts on Genesis 15.
I was reading this chapter this morning as part of my daily reading plan. I love this chapter. I love how at the very start of human history faith is what saves…
Ukraine Trip #2.
This is a long, detailed description of our second adoption trip to Ukraine–a place that is so different in some ways and so alike in others. TRAVEL DATES: December 16-19, 2015 Agenda: December 16-17:…
Ukraine Trip #1.
This is a long, detailed description of our first adoption trip to Ukraine–a place that is so different in some ways and so alike in others. I am proud of myself for…
Email Changes Everything.
I used to check my email every day. Sometimes all day long. I used to really wonder about (–a.k.a. judge–) people who didn’t instantly respond to my messages. But then life took a…
Fingerprints, Phone Calls, and Garage Sales, Oh My!
It’s been a while since I’ve written an update on our adoption journey. I’m frankly distracted with an upcoming graduation of my oldest child. All my attention is on keeping my emotions…
A Little Update.
I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to update you all on our adoption progress. I guess it’s because it hardly feels like progress. Our home study is nearly complete….
The local community college sends us a catalog of their continuing education classes. This catalog always goes the way of the local phone book that gets delivered to my front door–straight into…