So Day 1 is basically under our belts. Wow, I’m exhausted and Jeremy did most of the “heavy lifting” today. He was up before I was making pancakes and all psyched up to invest big time in our little friends.
I was pretty surprised to find they do not know any English. That is a huge obstacle for me–but it seems the rest of the family is just going with the flow just fine.
Before the day was done we had learned many words in their language, and they practiced many words in English. Jeremy and the boys had sorted through all the donated clothes items and found everything that would work. The older brother must’ve grown a bunch this fall because he is Jeremy’s height! Very few of the clothes fit him. Jeremy also took him out shopping and got his wardrobe pretty much complete. Tomorrow we need to find shoes and one winter coat.

Younger brother V. played video games while Jeremy and O. shopped. I was tasked with stopping him after an hour. But since I fell asleep watching him play soccer, his allotted time got a bonus. Lucky break!
Lunch was the leftover pizza we ordered for them last night that they were too tired to eat. Dinner was potato soup. They consistently answer that No, they are not hungry. But as soon as food is put in front of them, they eat it!
We pulled out the motherlode of LEGOs and they played contentedly at that all the rest of the day. Our kids love making them laugh as we butcher their language.
I don’t know how two young men like this can travel all the way across the world, to a place filled with strangers and strange language and be so contented. They are just so sweet. And brave.
Now everyone is tucked in by the TV, watching Elf (Did you hear that???), eating popcorn, and drinking the coveted soda they asked for at breakfast. Night night!
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34