Lord have mercy this world feels like it’s going insane. All the things that used to make normal life normal have been disrupted. Regular, previously mundane human connections have dramatically changed or ceased altogether. No longer can we take for granted the privilege of visiting the sick, gathering for holidays, having coffee with a friend, giving loved ones a hug.
Additionally, the systems that used to make life feel secure have been disrupted. Our world has lost confidence in the press, the police and the political process. Our leaders can’t seem to reach consensus—not even on scientific facts and truth. The consequences of this societal upheaval and division aren’t just national—they are personal. Individuals in our communities are increasingly lonely, angry, anxious, cynical, and hopeless.
Take heart. There’s a different way for followers of Jesus.
As the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Romans 12:2).
And he said also to the Ephesians, “Let me say this, then, speaking for the Lord: Live no longer as the unsaved do, for they are blinded and confused.” (Ephesians 4:17 The Living Bible).
There is meant to be a stark contrast between the world and the church. For those of us who comprise the Body of Christ, the way we think, feel and behave must be different. We must be different.
We do not find our security in the systems or defenses of this world. Though some trust in chariots and some in horses, we trust in the name of the LORD our God (Psalm 20:7). When we see our country rapidly sinking into the quicksand of sin and chaos, we are assured that we can trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock (Isaiah 26:4). In the political affairs of the world, we don’t fret. We trust God’s word that teaches that God Himself removes kings and establishes kings, and He puts the authorities in their places of power (Daniel 2:21, Romans 13:1). We are not afraid to hear bad news, instead our hearts are firm because we trust in the LORD (Psalm 112:7). And personally, we don’t allow ourselves to view God as absent, impotent, or disinterested—we know we can trust Him to help us, strengthen us and uphold us with His own loving hands (Isaiah 41:10).
One way in which we are dramatically different from the world is trust. Our trust is placed somewhere higher, stronger and better. We trust someone whose trustworthiness is absolutely not diminished by an election, a pandemic, an illness or an accident.
Our lives are safe because we trust a king who is powerful, good, faithful, aware, involved, and capable. Our hearts are safe because we trust a friend who cares for us whatever our circumstances or feelings. Whatever happens in this crazy world, our sovereign God can be completely trusted.
It’s such a pleasure to trust Jesus with you all in such certain times.