Well, we are about a week into this New Year and I’m still feeling pretty good about the goals I’ve set. I’m not gonna lie, waking up earlier is tough! But the time margin it provides for putting first things first is a game changer for the rest of the day.
I might be off to a good start, but I’m absolutely certain I’m going to fail at keeping the New Year’s resolutions I’ve written down. My best intentions wane over time and my motivations get a little murky as my old habits creep back in charge. Can you relate?
This week’s Bible story in The Gospel Project is all about how our faithful Father is not like that. When He makes a promise, no matter how impossible it seems, no matter how long we have to wait, He keeps it.
In the Bible, God often spoke His promises to His people through messengers called prophets. God promised through the Prophet Jeremiah that His people would be in exile for 70 years—but after that He would bring them back to their homeland in Judah. One of the best promises God ever made and kept was sending His Son: our savior, and the greatest messenger from Heaven of all time. Jesus is the perfect Prophet.
God always keeps His promises and He does just what He says.
So, if (when) you find yourself missing some of your goals this New Year, take heart. We may fall short, but we have a Father in Heaven who is always dependable and true. Why not find a few promises of His that encourage you and commit them to memory?
“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.” Hebrews 1:1.
Rest in His faithfulness this weekend.