I love Christmas. And it’s finally here. But immediately it’s gone. All the anticipation, preparing, planning and shopping. All the snooping, hiding, sneaking and wrapping. All the hype–and it’s over in one day.
I love Christmas. But I hate Christmas being over. It’s foolish of me, but I wish it could be Christmas all year. I wish the good things would last forever.
I read something this week that encouraged me and so I wanted to share. It’s from a book by Warren Wiersbe called “Classic Sermons on the Birth of Christ,” and this is an excerpt from one called “The Christ of Christmas” by Walter A. Maier:
“…Throughout their long and varied existence men have yearned and strained for something firm and unchangeable, for something positive and everlasting, since the highest achievements of human ambitions rise only to fade and wax only to wane. They are here today and gone tomorrow. Even the choicest products of man’s intellectual attainments are ephemeral, hailed in this hour and rejected in the next. But tonight I want you to look with me at this Pillar of the Ages, this changeless Christ for a changing world—Him who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” and find in Him the everlasting Rock of Ages to which, amid the ebb and flow of man’s fluctuating hopes and delusions, you can cling with unending and undying assurance. Friends and their favors may change; your hopes and plans may be shattered and crushed, but here in this Child is God’s answer to your search for eternity, the solution of the mystery of the grave, the promise of Him who says, “Because I live, ye shall live also,” whose eternity is the unfailing pledge of our life after death.”
Maybe that will speak to the ache in your heart during the emotional let down on December 26. The Christ that we welcome at Christmas, is with us forevermore.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!