I just want to acknowledge how tiresome this is all getting. For many of us, this is the first Mother’s Day ever where we are unable to be with our moms. Let’s pray for and connect with (call, text, send a good old-fashioned letter) those older moms we know and love who are missing their children and grandchildren, especially this weekend. For those of you moms who are finishing up eight solid weeks at home with no break from your kids–I feel ya. I hope the universal nature of your circumstance makes it a bit more bearable. Literally everyone can relate. I celebrate you this weekend. You are doing a lot. And you’re doing well. Are your children receiving calories each day? Are they occasionally bathed and mostly clothed? I celebrate you. I imagine you are beyond tired of the noise, the homework, the endless Zoom calls where all your kindergartner is getting out of it is watching himself stick his tongue out. I celebrate you. These times are tough, but our God is great. Let’s not forget that. He really is a source of strength when our strength runs out. He really is a rock under our feet when the world around us looks like shifting sand. He really will give patience when someone in our house is on our last nerve. Humbly ask Him. That’s all. The almighty Holy Spirit lives in you if Jesus is your Lord. It’s actually His job to transform us into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). The same God who showed His power through many mighty and amazing miracles came for us. Loves us. And is still there for us. Sometimes we just need to preach the gospel again–to ourselves. So, Happy Mother’s Day. And now that it is May, Happy Date Your Mate Month, Happy National Barbecue Month, Happy National Salad Month (what?), and Happy Good Posture Awareness Month (I just sat up. I was typing while lying on my stomach). I’m also happy it’s NCBC’s Multi-Site May. A small step toward when we will be able to be all together again. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:8). With much love, |