I went back and forth trying to decide whether to post this on Thanksgiving Thursday or Black Friday.
When would you be more likely to read? When would you be more likely to need encouragement? Both days have their own potential stresses and sorrows. And they both have different types of joys and celebrations.
So I decided on Thursday so that those who happen to open their device on Thanksgiving morning in need of some comfort, maybe this would give help. And for those who put a hard boundary up around the holidays, well, here would be something ready when you are.
So whether today is Thursday or whether it’s Friday, or whether it’s a random Tuesday that you find these words, I encourage you to Enjoy Today.
There’s much to worry about in the future. Holiday expenses and expectations. Kids’ issues and school issues. Work stress and family stress. Not to mention the world. Wars and rumors of wars. Worry is normal. Let’s not be normal.
Instead of being anxious about what might happen, Enjoy Today. Savor the present. Live in the Now. Or as one of my favorite funny greeting cards said, “Carpe the heck out of Diem.” 🙂
In Jesus’ most famous sermon, The Sermon on the Mount (The Gospel of Matthew chapters 5-7), He preaches this.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.“ (Mt. 6:34).
I also really like the positive spin in The Living Bible paraphrase:
“So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.”
Live one day at a time. Enjoy today.
Today, thank the Lord for the breath in your lungs and eyes to see the sunrise and ears to hear your loved ones. Spend some extra time with your grandparent. Notice the children’s wide eyes when they see the simple joys: cranberries and whipped cream or new toys and dancing reindeer. Make eye contact and smile at your retail clerk. Stop for cocoa. Hug your mom. Hug your spouse.
I’m going to trust the Lord with what happened yesterday, and whatever may happen tomorrow and try with all my might to simply enjoy today. And I hope you will too.
With true joy,