We don’t want Easter 2020 to fade into “just another Sunday” for your family. So, please watch this Ways to Make Easter Special video!
In it, I recommend the 3 F’s of every good holiday: great Food, special Fun, and talks of Faith.
FOOD: Why not host your own family “Easter Diner” for Sunday’s breakfast (or lunch or dinner)? Attached to this email is a .pdf children’s menu from which your kids can order while the parents cook and serve. You can use the pre-made breakfast menu, or fill in your own menu items on the blank menu provided. Don’t forget the back page with extra kids’ activities!
FUN: Since there are so many fun traditions we cannot do this year, why not think creatively of something brand new that you can do? Just think about what would create really joyful memories for your kids and do that!
FAITH: Watch Sunday’s Kids At Home message. This Sunday will be an in-home scavenger hunt to help tell the story of Jesus’ resurrection. Watch my Ways to Make Easter Special video to see if your home has the everyday items you will need. Maybe also head out to the driveway and use sidewalk chalk to help illustrate the last days of Christ. There are all kinds of ideas online of ways to talk about and experience Easter with your kids. Just prioritize time to discuss the gospel and maybe let this become a new practice in your home of intentional, regular faith talks as a family.
We certainly are living in unprecedented times. The gospel of Jesus is still the good news we all need to combat fear and anxiety and to give hope beyond the grave. That’s what Easter is all about, of course!
Wishing your family a very Happy (and uniquely special) Easter!