If you’ve been married for longer than five minutes, you know there’s truth in the phrase, “Familiarity breeds contempt.”
It means, “…if you know someone or something very well, you can easily become bored with them and stop treating them with respect.” (The Free Dictionary by Farlex).
It’s the reason your spouse’s little quirks were cute when you were dating but now they drive you bananas. It’s also the reason a kid might consider a teacher/coach/friend/YouTuber to be an expert and his parent to be a moron. Don’t feel bad, moms and dads. It happened to Jesus too.
This week’s Bible Story tells of a time Jesus went back to His hometown Nazareth. He was rapidly gaining influence and popularity abroad. But back home, guess what? Familiarity led to contempt. “Who does he think he is?” they sneered. “This is just Jesus, the carpenter’s son. He’s no big deal.”
Their perspective was so toxic, their refusal to believe in Him so belligerent, that Jesus was actually astonished. You can read all about it in Mark 6:1-6.
What causes this phenomenon? Why did my husband’s fastidiousness appear incredibly responsible and honorable when we were dating, but it can be incredibly irritating now? Short answer? My sin.
To be more specific, my pride. Did you notice in the above definition it indicates a loss of respect? Our pride causes us to look down on others. Our pride can even cause us to look down on others who are WAY BETTER than us. (Case in point: Jesus returning to Nazareth). We don’t need a reason to be prideful. We don’t need training. It comes quite naturally and it comes out the worst with those we know best.
Coronavirus has put the “fam” in familiarity, am I right? Compelled to be in constant, close contact with our families is a recipe for contempt if we are not careful. Pray to recognize and resist pride as soon as it raises its ugly head. Much better to be humble, empathetic, patient, gracious. Not easy, but much, much better.
“…God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).
I’m praying The Holy Spirit will bring about beautiful things in your family through this season and beyond.