I spent last weekend at a conference in Texas where the grass was green, flowers were blooming, and the temperatures were flirting with 60. Now I’m back in Iowa. As I write this it’s raining, cold and fairly dreary. Two days of sunshine on my face has given me a fresh longing for spring.
And this happens in our Scripture reading too——you know what I’m talking about——if you’ve gotten to the book of Numbers, you know what it means to wish for a new season in your Bible plan. And in our children’s curriculum, I’ve found myself asking, “How long, O Lord? How long until we are out of the prophets and move on to the gospels with their stories of your Son?”
He’s coming. The Messiah is coming soon.
That’s what the last Old Testament prophet Malachi told the people of God. The Jews once again chased after the things in this world that they wanted more than God. Once again, their sinful hearts showed that they needed a Savior. But the coldest wintry heart can always know that God wants to save them. God has always been pursuing His people, offering His love and new life. He still does.
I pray that your eager anticipation for spring points you to the longing in your heart for our Messiah King.
“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” Malachi 4:2.