My family and I love being at church. We love serving the kids. We love reconnecting with the family of God. We love worshipping through song and His word with all of you. For us, several weeks of quarantine is a painful thought! I am so grateful for the NCBC leadership and creativity that’s at work in finding new ways for us to stay connected in community.
This week’s Bible Story in NCBC Kids is the account of Jesus, age 12, who stayed in Jerusalem instead of leaving with his entourage back to Nazareth. His parents didn’t realize he was missing from the group for a full day. They then went back to Jerusalem, searching frantically for three days, and finally found him in the temple, discussing the things of God with the rabbis there. His parents were understandably upset, but Jesus simply answered, “Didn’t you know I must be in my Father’s house?”
This longing we have to be with God and be with others talking about our loving Father, and to experience worship together is a gift from Jesus. Although we cannot at this time gather with the greater church community, at home we can still pursue God and pursue others.
So enjoy talking with your kids about this adventure that Jesus had as a boy. This week’s parent content from The Gospel Project for Kids is attached to this email as a .pdf. During this season of social distancing, we are providing a hub for children’s ministry resources: The NCBC Kids At Home page. You can login to access the Gospel Project lesson content there. On Sundays, you can also find Lindsay’s Online Bible Story Time. I also plan to post a couple Spotify Playlists for you to access the music your kids enjoy at church.
Enjoy this precious time together. Let’s all try hard to put our phones away long enough to talk about these things purposefully with our families.
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
I’ll be missing you!