Let’s make a list of the top five characteristics of an authentic Christian. What do people who truly follow Jesus look like? Seriously, I’ll wait while you get a pen. 🙂 My…
Author: lorettabushlack
Proper perspective. The hard work of a heavenly point of view.
This past week has been pretty stressful for me. I’ve tried to not let it be, but still–it was. In addition to starting a new job (which is exciting and daunting at…
Rumors of wars. What Jesus teaches we should do with our fear when the world is terrifying.
“…And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against…
As in heaven. We don’t have to wait until heaven to be more like Jesus.
Have you ever said to yourself, “I can’t wait until I’m in heaven, when I’m not so ______ anymore?” I certainly have. Some of the things I put in that blank are…
Who is Jesus? How you answer that question is very important.
I attended a Bible study last night while visiting our son’s church in the Denver area. We spent the evening trying to answer this one question: Who is Jesus? It’s humbling how…
Time is money. Where are you spending your most precious currency?
Time is money. I listened to a helpful podcast this week. It was about leadership and productivity and goals. The guest, New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff, said something intriguing and…
Hard times. What do we do when life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”?
Have you ever had one of those mornings where you wake up shaking, hoping it was a nightmare, only to be reminded, yet again, that this is real life? Sorry to be…
Hey fall. It’s always a good time to recommit to good habits.
As the calendar flips to a new month, it’s a good time to turn over a new leaf, so to speak, and establish healthy routines. You’ve probably started a lot of these…
A.I. Don’t be a robot parent.
AI. It stands for Artificial Intelligence. But for the purpose of this parenting email I encourage you to… Always Interact. One core principle we established in our home was to always talk…
Ordinary things. The humility to marvel at everyday moments.
I took a photo on a recent walk. When I proudly showed it to one of my kids I said, “Isn’t Iowa beautiful?” The response? Eyeroll. “Mom–it’s thistles.” Kinda hurt my feelings….