I love Christmas. And it’s finally here. But immediately it’s gone. All the anticipation, preparing, planning and shopping. All the snooping, hiding, sneaking and wrapping. All the hype–and it’s over in one…
Author: lorettabushlack
Christmas carol. Trudging on through the holidays.
I love Christmas carols. And I don’t mean Jingle Bells or Frosty the Snowman. I love the old ones. Those familiar melodies that the whole world hums this time of year. There’s…
Christmas king. Different from every other king.
History is full of corrupt, power hungry, immoral, wicked kings. British historian Lord Acton famously said, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our own nation began with rebellion and…
Christmas list. What does God want this year?
What do you want for Christmas? Every year my children asked me that question, I would answer exactly the same: “I just want my kids to get along.” A peaceful home. Free…
Enjoy today. Letting go of worries for just one day.
I went back and forth trying to decide whether to post this on Thanksgiving Thursday or Black Friday. When would you be more likely to read? When would you be more likely…
Three tips. Preparing for volatile holiday visits.
Holidays are coming and with them you are likely going to have lots of time in close proximity to family, extended family, and other people who get under your skin. 🙂 Inevitably,…
Final countdown. Strategies as we wait for Jesus.
Somewhere in my many bins of Christmas decor is a little snowman with removable numbers that count down until Christmas. I haven’t taken him out of the box for several years because…
Oldie but a goodie. Possibly the best song in all of scripture.
On my drive in to work today I was listening to this song on repeat. It’s an oldie but a goodie yet I find it particularly timely given current events and our…
Picture bible. Tips for how to choose the best Children’s Bible.
I remember shopping for a picture Bible for my kids. I basically had one criteria: How does it depict the crucifixion? I didn’t want to terrorize my kids with anything too graphic… …
Right here, right now. A theology of time.
You know that icebreaker question where they ask you, “If you could live at any time in history, when would you choose?” I used to answer that question differently than I do…