There’s a classic scene in Father of the Bride where Steve Martin finally loses it. Tension from planning his daughter’s wedding causes him to eventually snap in the grocery store. A store…
Author: lorettabushlack
Relationships are hard work. Can I get an Amen? Jeremy and I will celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary at the end of this month. I’m baffled by how challenging it can still…
Free indeed.
When was the last time you were both 100% exhausted and 100% joyfully satisfied at the same time? Maybe it was getting your garden planted this spring. Maybe you just completed a…
I have a secret. When I was little I wanted to be Indiana Jones. Which is odd because I was also in love with Indiana Jones. I’m sure there’s some psychoanalysis work…
The right side.
Hindsight is 20-20. Over time, we observe the people and events of the past and decide who was wise and who was “on the wrong side of history.” No one wants to…
Our last of six kids graduated from high school this past weekend (I’m not crying–you’re crying!). And, like the others, we celebrated in a big way. However, there were some things that…
Jesus is better.
I really love our church. For a ton of different reasons. But one of the main ones right now is the group of people between the ages of 12-20 who sit in…
May I please ask why?
Our girls came home for Mother’s Day weekend and one of them was recalling a funny little phrase they were required to use as a child if they wanted to question mom…
Parent love and parent pain.
There’s no pain like our children’s pain. When our children are sick or injured, we would do anything to bring them relief. I remember many hours rocking a crying baby or resting…
Catch mnemonia!
Anyone have Fifty, Nifty, United States memorized? How about the US Presidents set to the tune of “America The Beautiful”? Or did anyone Rock the Countries in high school in order to…