How are you guys doing? I’m not asking just to be nice. I really want to know. I welcome your reply——even if we’ve never spoken before. How are things at your house? Do you have power yet? Internet? Do you need storm recovery help?
New Covenant Bible Church has been sending work crews to some in our church family who have been hardest hit but we certainly don’t know about everyone’s needs. We want to help with the overwhelming physical needs of our people. So if you have those types of needs——please don’t hesitate to let me know!
But as urgent as all that is, I’m frankly more concerned about the inner, spiritual needs of your family. How are you——on the inside? How are your kids?
A friend asked me yesterday about a decision relating to Children’s Ministry and my answer was, “It’s hard to think about that when I wonder if dinosaurs might fall from the sky tomorrow.”
I don’t think they are going to… but to be honest, at this point I’m not ruling anything out.
We are in the middle of a historic moment. A horrible, stressful, unprecedented, overwhelming moment. The number of chaotic and unsettling and downright scary situations occurring in our worlds right now is crazy. Almost as crazy as dinosaurs falling from the sky.
It’s okay if you’re not okay. But if you’re not okay——make sure you let someone know. There’s something to be said for “Keep Calm and Carry On.” But there’s also something to be said for having a safe place to be raw and real and to process this crazy time in which we live. God gave us one another in the church to provide companionship and encouragement when life gets hard. Life is now officially hard. Be brave enough to let your small group know how they can pray for you, your marriage, your kids, your home, your job, your life. If you don’t have that kind of community around you right now, please reach out to me or someone else you trust who can help you can find the kind of care your soul needs. Together, with God’s strength, we will get through all this.
Casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you. (I Peter 5:7).
With love and concern,