Well fams, it’s Thanksgiving week. Let’s take a quick inventory: How are we doing?
People say, “the holidays are upon us” as if they are a burden as heavy as Santa’s over-stuffed sack.
They don’t have to be.
Let me encourage you, before the holidays even officially begin: Be uber-intentional about your expectations and activities this year. Don’t get swept up, sucked in, or overwhelmed by the tide of the world’s way of celebrating. Be different.
Say yes to the things that will bring you and your family lasting joy. And say no to the things that won’t.
Saying no is hard!
It’s even hard to say no to things you don’t really like. And even harder to say no to the things you do like! It can be hard sometimes to say no to the awkward, stressful or toxic expectations that are bad for you. And even harder to say no to the things that are fun, popular, or traditional. Things that seem good but add so much stress or financial burden or calories that they simply aren’t wise for you for this season of life.
Jim Collins famously said, “Good is the enemy of great.” A Christmas season that’s too full of good things is still a Christmas that’s too full.
No matter what, make sure your family prioritizes Jesus daily this advent season. Beyond that, only you can decide all of what goes on your family’s Christmas to-do list.
But may I be so bold as to suggest a Christmas to-don’t list? 🙂
2022 Christmas To-Don’t:
- Don’t be influenced by your friend’s Instagram decor, or your neighbor’s elaborate yard display, or even your in-law’s demands.
- Don’t feel pressured into going to the mall for Santa pictures, to Great Aunt Beverly’s fruitcake exchange, or to regrettable, drunken office cocktail parties.
- Don’t make impossible, mile-long holiday lists: shopping, decorating, attending, making, doing.
- Don’t miss Christlike opportunities. Serving and giving to those who can’t give back is always worth the cost.
The holidays don’t have to be an unbearable weight you’re under. Take control early and often and create for your own family a sustainable season of joy and love and happy memories.
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11-12).